Why Do We Need ISO Certification in Ghana

Why do we need iso certification in Ghana | Quality Sync Tech

Ghana officially the Republic of Ghana, is a country in West Africa. It spans the Gulf of Guinea and the Atlantic Ocean to the south, sharing borders with the Ivory Coast in the west, Burkina Faso in the north, and Togo in the east. The capital and largest city is Accra; other major cities include Kumasi, Tamale, and Sekondi-Takoradi. British ultimately established control of the coast by the late 19th century. Ghana subsequently became influential in decolonisation efforts and the Pan-African movement.

Ghana is an average natural resource enriched country possessing industrial minerals, hydrocarbons and precious metals. It is an emerging designated digital economy with mixed economy hybridisation and an emerging market. It has an economic plan target known as the “Ghana Vision 2020”.

This plan envisions Ghana as the first African country to become a developed country between 2020 and 2029 and a newly industrialised country between 2030 and 2039. The Ghana Stock exchange is 5th largest on African continental. Ghana also produces high-quality cocoa. Ghana is classified as a middle-income country. Services account for 50% of GDP, followed by manufacturing (24.1%), extractive industries (5%), and taxes (20.9%). Ghana also produces high-quality cocoa. It is the 2nd largest producer of cocoa globally, and was projected to become the world’s largest producer of cocoa in 2015. Ghana produces and exports an abundance of hydrocarbons such as sweet crude oil and natural gas.

ISO Certification in Ghana?

With many opportunities for growth in Ghana Vision 2020 the country needs to invest its resources, Industries in Ghana accounts for about 25% of total GDP. However, Ghana’s industrial production is rising at a 7.8% rate, development in platforms and develop the work culture according to the developing management system.

ISO 9001 certifications in Ghana which would boost the advanced growing technologies and effective systems, and the newly appointed staff and the management of all top industries required to understand the methods followed and the characteristics of healthy and safe working environment.

ISO Certification in Ghana is misunderstood by many of the companies as the Quality management System is required for end products, as ISO Standards like ISO 9001, ISO 14001, ISO 27001, ISO 22000, HACCP and other compliance certificate in Ghana is always practised as the effective quality process with productive output.

If the process is followed with all Quality requirements, then the Product will be considered as Quality Product in Global Market. Ghana’s mostly involved in manufacturing of electronics, car manufacturing, electric car manufacturing, automotive manufacturing, food processing, cement industries, ship industries and many more industries. Having such big industrial hub ISO certifications in Ghana which will boost the productivities in Ghana’s Economic growth.

Why do we need iso certification in Ghana | Quality Sync Tech
Benefits ISO Standards Certificates in Ghana

ISO management standards have significantly increased over the last decade in developing countries, mainly in African countries. In 2014 & 2015, about 20% of ISO Certifications processes have been increased in 2015 for ISO 9001&ISO 14001.

The objective is to highlight the benefits of ISO Certification management standards in Ghana and to analyse their importance with specificities of Ghana cultures and organizational practices. Many studies have shown that various benefits can result from adopting, including improved relationships with shareholders, customer satisfaction, marketing advantages, and improvement in productivity and effectiveness.

The recognition of these systems in the eyes of stakeholders, and their apparent reputational and practical benefits, have pushed an increasing number of organizations to get ISO 45001, ISO 22000 certifications in Ghana recent years. As result, the number of certifications has grown exponentially over the last few years and this trend is continuing. Thus, ISO certification has grown rapidly in many developing countries. For example- ISO 9001 and ISO 27001 Certification in Ghana.

Requirements of ISO Certification in Ghana?
  • Compliance for Regulatory and Statutory Obligations.
  • Resource Management – Allocation, Roles and responsibility, Induction, communication, both internal & external.
  • For more details contact us certteam@qualitysynctech.com.
How Quality Sync Tech can help you in implementing ISO Standards in Ghana?

We@ Quality Sync Tech are pioneers in the consulting services in Ghana- Gap Assessment, Awareness Training, Remediation, Internal audit, Management review meeting and External audit carried out end to end process in many companies in ISO 9001 in Burkina Faso, ISO 22000 in Togo with experts of experience in all domains. For further details contact us website- www.qualitysynctech.com and mail id- Certteam@qualitysynctech.com

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