Why Do We Need ISO Certification in Saudi Arabia

iso certification in saudi arabia

Why do we need ISO Certification in Kingdom of Saudi Arabia?

Saudi Arabia is witnessing major player in economic and super power around the globe and development towards progress of standard of living, education services, and safety to human life with increase in number of social development programs, investment in major areas which boost the economy of the country.

Focus towards the achievement of 2030 Agenda to accomplish the goals which have been set to various sectors in the country enhancing the educational institute development programs, personality development programs, improving the business climate and to invest in major diversified industry, developing infrastructure and integrating new technologies.

Implementing ISO Standards like ISO 9001 in UAE, ISO 14001 in Dubai, ISO 45001 in Oman, ISO 27001 in Bahrain in the various sectors like, Manufacture, Medical Science, Information Technology, Food industry, Oil and Gas industry, Educational Institutes which required standard structural system to support the internal and external entities by integrating the ISO clauses in the organization which boost continuous improvement. Creating a set of procedures and polices in the organization for hassle free process among the departments to meet the expectations of customer and stake holders.

Requirements of ISO Certification in Saudi Arabia?

  • Compliance for Regulatory and Statutory Obligations.
  • Resource Management – Allocation, Roles and responsibility, Induction, communication, both internal & external.
  • For more details contact@ certteam@qualitysynctech.com.

Top ISO Standards applicable to various sectors in Saudi Arabia?

  1. Manufacture Industry: In Saudi Arabia any manufacture industry which produce from raw material to finish product as per best practices respective of the product so these all the few standards applicable to it- ISO 9001 in Riyadh, ISO 14001 in Saudi Arabia, ISO 45001 in Dammam, ISO 13485:2016 and ISO 27001 in Jeddah..
  2. Construction Companies: Structural engineering has established in the construction field which requires manpower, procurement and technologies with human safety so these are few applicable ISO Standards: ISO 9001:2015, ISO 14001:2015 and ISO 45001:2018.
  3. IT Companies: Saudi Arabia is focused on investing in emerging Information technology companies in all states of the kingdom and supports to many companies to contribute in vision of 2030  and few standards that are applicable to IT companies-  ISO 9001:2015 in Saudi Arabia, ISO 27001:2013 in Saudi Arabia and ISO 18788:2015.
  4. Food Industry: Food manufacturing, catering and restaurants are the biggest industry exploring in the heart of Saudi Arabia so few of the standards applicable to maintain hygiene and safety- ISO 22000 in Saudi Arabia HACCP in Saudi Arabia, FSSC 22000 and others food compliances.

How Quality Sync Tech can help you in implementing ISO Standards in Saudi Arabia?

We at Quality Sync Tech are pioneers in the consulting services in Saudi Arabia- Gap Assessment, Awareness Training, Remediation, Internal audit, Management review meeting and External audit carried out end to end process in many companies in ISO Certification in Riyadh, ISO Certification in Jeddah, ISO Certification in Dammam, ISO Certification in Al Jubail, ISO Certification in Al khobar, and ISO Certification in Jazan with experts of experience in all domains.

For further details contact at website- www.qualitysynctech.com and mail id- Certteam@qualitysynctech.com

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